Sycamore Class 2024 - 2025
Ms Kaufman
Year 4 Teacher
Mrs Ormerod
Teaching Team
Also supporting SYCAMORE CLASS are
Mrs Hall - Phonics and PPA
Mr McNab - Computer Science
Mr Pilkington - PE and Breakfast Club
Mrs Ruggieri - PPA
Mrs Whalley - Play Therapist
Welcome to Year 4
Weclome back after a lovely summer break! We are looking forward to an exciting start to the new school year, where we can work together to help our children reach their full potential!
This half-term we will be learning all about how children lived throughout History and the similarities and differences in our lives today and in the past. In Science we have lots of exciting demonstrations so that we can learn all about how the human digestive system works and our teeth. We will even be looking at poo clues to see what animal faeces can tell us about different animals!
In English we will be learning all about poetry and how we can become amazing poets and in Maths we will be looking at Place Value.
The children will be challenged to read as much as possible this year and will need to practice their times tables as much as possible both in school and at home.
Homework will be sent out on a Friday and the children will receive housepoints for bringing this back in before the following Wednesday.
PE is on a Friday this year, so we would be grateful if children could bring their PE kits into school on this day.
There will be a times tables and spelling test every Friday so please encourage children to practice during the week.
We are looking forward to an exciting and productive start to Year 4 and reaching our potential together in Christ. If you need any assistance or have any questions please do not hesitate
We look forward to seeing you all soon!
Miss L. Kaufman and Mrs. A. Ormerod.
Files to Download
Sycamore Class: News items
South for the Winter, by Mr McNab
HAF Christmas is coming..., by Mr McNab
Autumn 2024 Newsletter, by Mr McNab
Sycamore Class: Gallery items
St Andrew House point winners E-Sports, by Mr McNab