Ash Class 2023 - 2024

Mrs Yates

Year 3 Teacher

Mrs Hall

Miss Bradshaw

                                                                                                                                                      June 2024

     Dear parents / carers,

Welcome back after our half-term break. I hope it has been a restful one and the children are ready to enjoy our last term.  As always, the team and I are looking forward to welcoming them back, ready for some exciting learning.

Our topic this term is ‘Vehicles’.

Little polite reminders:

•    Reading books are changed on Monday and Thursday.
•    PE is on Wednesday - please remember that PE kits are now to be kept in school and the children attend wearing their school uniform.
•    Homework is due in on Friday.
•    Every Friday there will be a spelling and times table test.
Please do not hesitate to speak to one of the team if you have any concerns.

Kind regards, 
Mrs Yates, Mr Wilson, Miss Bradshaw, Mrs Hall, Miss Jackson, Mrs Jones, and Mrs Ashraf.


Please have a look at  the 'Curriculum Overview' below  to learn all about the new things we will be learning about this half term. 

Please be assured that as a school we are following the most up to date guidelines with your child's safety being one of our highest priorities.

If there is anything at all I can help with and support you with, please do not hesitate to contact me through the school office.


Curriculum Overview


Homework Grid


Please have a look at the 'Summer 1 Homework Grid' below. We understand that family life is busy, therefore, it is not essential that all of these activities are completed but we do ask that your child aims to complete some of the activities to reinforce their learning across the curriculum.

Reading and Spellings

Your child's reading book will be changed twice a week (Monday and Thursday). Please read each book with your child and then encourage them to have a go at reading independently. Talking about the story with them and asking questions to develop comprehension skills can be extremely impactful in enhancing their English ability. If you require extra books, please let one of the team know.

Spellings will be handed out every Friday for a spelling test the following Friday. It is extremely important that your child works hard to practise their spellings at home to ensure a good result in their spelling test. 


We will continue to have our PE lesson on a Wednesday afternoon.

There has been a change regarding PE kits. Please can PE kits now be kept in school and the children attend wearing their school uniform. Thank you

Thank you.

Cool Milk

If you would like your child to have milk, you will need to register them on the cool milk website and pay the required termly fee.

cool milk.png


Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Yates and Ash teaching team.



Ash Class: News items

Important Notice**, by Mr Wilson

School clubs Spring 2, by Mr McNab

Ash Class: Blog items

There are no blog items to display

Ash Class: Gallery items

Eco Station, by Miss Jones

Animal Olympics, by Miss Jones

Eid Party, by Miss Jones

Ash Class: Events items

There are no Events items to display

Files to Download

Ofsted Good School AC Education hyndburn business awards The Church of England The National Society PSQM Lancashire Quality Award Magic Breakfast Fuel for learning stonewall schoolchampion logo My Happy Mind Accredited school: Bronze Award



Devonshire Street, Accrington BB5 1DW

Mrs Helen V Bird | Headteacher

Mrs L Morgan | School Bursar

01254 232329



CE Primary School

'Reaching our potential Together in Christ'

We seek to help all of our learners to 'live and live splendidly' (John 10:10)

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